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Stratigraphic Prediction Specialists

Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts:


Traditionally, sedimentary deposits are subdivided using Lithostratigraphy, which identifies and correlates rocks based on “their lithology and their stratigraphic relations”, with “Lithostratigraphic units ..... recognized by observable physical features and not by their inferred age, the time span they represent, inferred geologic history, or manner of formation.” (ICS).

Consequently, Lithostratigraphic correlations may be diachronous and sand bodies not necessarily connected.  This is a critical issue for petroleum exploration and development, which require a more certain understanding of reservoir connectivity.

Sequence Stratigraphy by contrast groups sedimentary deposits into genetically related packages called Sequences that are bound top and base proximally by subaerial unconformities, and distally by their Correlative Conformities.

Different Sequence Stratigraphic Models have been developed for siliciclastic, carbonate, slope and ramp depositional systems, as well as for a variety of tectonic regimes.

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